The Ian Warhurst Memorial Trophy

The Ian Warhurst Memorial Trophy

The Ian Warhurst Memorial Trophy

On the 6th July 2024, Dark Peak Model Aircraft Club held the first of our annual Ian Warhurst Memorial Trophy events, in memory of a long-standing member and committee member, the competition was open to members of Dark Peak Model Aircraft Club, and members of Ian’s other club, Ashton Model Aircraft Club.

Sponsored by Ian’s wife Christine, the event took the form of a spot-landing competition, and our committee organised a social gathering and potato hash lunch to mark the occasion. Turn-out was good, with plenty of members attending, and the weather was kind-enough to us.

After some brave attempts, some better than others(!), the eventual winner was – drum roll – Louis Shapero, a junior member, with the closest landing to the target. Louis really is advancing his flying skills week on week, and this is yet another to add to his arsenal!

The trophy – duly engraved – was presented to Louis at our August meeting, we hope it will be proudly displayed for the following 12 months, and we look forward to running the event again next year.

John Bottomley – Treasurer – presents Louis Shapero with the Ian Warhurst Memorial Trophy

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