Dark Peak Model Aircraft Club

A hobby for all ages

A casual moment at our Birch Vale flying site on the 28th July 2024. There is nothing spectacular about this photograph, but it is a very special photograph reflecting the wide age range that our hobby attracts and encourages. We have Louis Shapero on the left (A junior member) and …

Louis Shapero – BMFA Payload Challenge 2024

Dark Peak Model Aircraft Club is proud to sponsor one of our junior members – Louis Shapero – who is taking part in the BMFA Payload Challenge 2024. The BMFA Payload Challenge require students to design, build and fly load-carrying model aircraft (payloadchallenge.bmfa.uk). The club has sponsored Louis and his …

Christmas Do 2022

We enjoyed a great turnout for our Christmas 2022 “Do” at the Hare and Hounds, Simmondley on the 6th December. Members tucked in to Turkey and all the trimmings, accompanied by party hats, cheesy jokes, and our usual free raffle. The Roy Armett award for Best Improved Flyer was awarded …

Its another pass!

Following on from his “most improved” award at the Christmas Party, it gives us great pleasure to congratulate Gary Brooks on passing his solo test on Sunday 10th April. The committee and fellow club member wish Gary many happy years of flying.

Club fees now due

Your club fees for 2022 are now due. The fees cover your membership of DPMAC until 31 Dec 2022 and have been kept at the current rate of £35. Please contact John Bottomley for bank details if paying by electronic transfer (preferred). Don’t forget to also renew your BMFA membership …

It’s a pass!

Lockdown and Covid-19 has had a dramatic effect on our ability to visit the flying fields and get some practice. However, this doesn’t seem to have affected our members, two of which have passed their solo test this week. So it gives us great pleasure to congratulate Chris Horseman and …